Thursday, January 30, 2014

Order Your Honeybees Early!!


Good evening Beekeepers,

Does this rain indicate that spring is on its way?  I hope that your winter has gone well so far.  Days are slowly getting longer.  Normally by this time of year I have sent out notices that it is time to start thinking about ordering bees for the spring.  I have been doing the background work to get our supply reserved and our dates set for this year.  We have also made some significant changes to the website over the past month and it is now up and ready to go.  Putting the final touches on the site and giving it some tests to make sure it all worked delayed us a bit but it is now ready.  Jesse has included a supply order page as well as the bee order page that is able to accept credit card orders.  The option of printing and mailing your bee order is still present for those who wish to do so.  Rather than go through the entire update that is on the site I am providing a link to the front page that will summarize all the details of this year’s order.  Each year we review the process we used in the past and seek to add improvements to it.  This year we added an extra day for those who wish to get their bees as late as possible as well as improving the online ordering process with credit card acceptance and ease of use.

As I normally do, I am providing links to the long range weather predictions for this year from the National Weather Service.

I see that they are predicting a cooler than normal March and then Normal precipitation and temperatures throughout the summer season (April through September)

Our time frames for delivery are very similar to last year and I have added one extra day for those who will want their bees to arrive late in the month if they wish.  Delivery dates for your area are located on the web page near the bottom.

For those who have bees in my wintering facility I will be doing a colony evaluation near the end of the month so that we can start predicting survival rates.  Not to worry, those who have bees in the barn with me will get ample notice before I release the last of the packages for sale.

