Saturday, April 16, 2016

APRIL 23rd, 2016 - Arrival of Honeybees from California Almond Fields

One week from today we are expecting the arrival of our beloved honeybees from California. Steve and Donna Victors will receive the bees at Anchorage International Airport and drive them up to Fairbanks in an air conditioned trailer. The estimated time of arrival in Fairbanks will be posted here on this blog by Saturday morning 4/23/16.
1)  Bring equipment inside 24 hours before hiving your bees.
2) Make sugar water (at least 1:1) 24 hours ahead and at room temperature at the time of hiving. (Having a weak sugar syrup can cause bees to expire, but don't over-do it either).
3) Have internal and external insulation ready.
4) Have a chemical-free spray bottle ready.
5) Mini-Marshmallows are available for free when the bees arrive.
6) Have pollen patty at room temperature ready. (Pollen patties will be available for sale when the bees arrive for $5.00 each.)

In past years beekeepers have been known to wait about an hour in the Monroe parking lot (Gym side of bldg.) Please be patient as exact time of arrival is tough to predict. If you do have to wait, bring a good book or plan on mingling with other beekeepers while you wait.

Blessings to all for a great season of gardening and beekeeping! 

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