Tuesday, June 12, 2012


Yesterday I was weeding and thinning my carrots and thought I'd share that carrots love sand!!  The key to growing outstanding carrots is to use silty soil and thin them regularly.  Right now, I've thinned my carrots to one half or one inch apart.  Have you ever noticed that for every beet seed you plant, you get two plants?  I always pull out the weaker of the two so that the one I leave will get more nutrients and have more space to develop.  Lastly, if you wait until July 4th to plant turnips, they will have considerably less worm rott.  I hope you all are enjoying all the living things like I am this summer.  The weather has been perfect since we are able to let the Lord water for us!!  Mostly sunshine and a shower every day - you can't ask for better conditions.

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